Monday, January 13, 2014

KFO - Fort Ord California

I recently came across a couple of pictures, that have sparked some memories that I would like to share with you.

The above picture was taken around 1985 at Fort Ord, California in the studios of  "Music Radio KFO".

I have an earlier post about how I got into the Army here: "My Army Days."

Go ahead and read it. I'll wait.

All caught up are we? Good!

After Panama and Honduras, my first 'permanent party' station was Fort Ord, California. For a broadcaster that means being assigned to the Public Affairs Office on post. We couldn't actually broadcast on radio because we weren't allowed to. So we had a 'cable' radio station which could be heard in all of the dining facilities on post, as well as a post cable tv channel.

I was given the morning show to host.  I looked much more official during the week than when I did when this picture was taken on a Saturday.

My show was entered in a nationwide competition and placed in the top 3. For that achievement I was awarded the Army Achievement Medal, presented to me by the Commanding General of Fort Ord at the time.

Quite an honor!

OK that's enough for now, I'll close with a bonus pic recently discovered of me using a typewriter to put together a radio broadcast log in my barracks room at Fort Benjamin Harrison where I took the Broadcast Journalist course: