Monday, October 26, 2009

A Brief Update

I realize it's been a while since I've updated here, bad blogger!

I just wasn't in the mood to update after having Oldies 101.9 sold out from under me. The self-esteem took a hit, and I just didn't feel like dragging you down with my bad vibes. Are you still there?

Anyway, I'm OK.

Today I'm hitting the pavement with an arm load of audition tapes and resumes, so we'll see what happens.

I enjoy working in media, whether it be radio or television, and I hope to be back in the saddle very soon. If not, look forward to hearing me at a restaurant near you saying, "Would you like fries with that?"

Saturday, May 30, 2009

OK Gang, It's put up or shut up time!

Monday night, June 1st, I begin hosting a new show on Oldies 101.9.

It's called "All Request Summer Nights".

FYI...the show WILL last past the summer. We'll come up with another title once we get to September. (All Request Autumn Nights??)

The show will be music intensive with LOTS of phone calls.

Here's where you come in.

I have over 400 facebook friends, a lot of whom friended me because I used to work with Smiley, or some other media association.

This time, I'm on my own. I will need your help. Call me, 849-1019.

I don't care if your a DJ working for another radio station or not. Disguise your voice. Use a fake name. I don't care.

I have 5 hours to fill Monday through Friday!!

There will be topics, and themes to help you out.

I hear people in and out of the biz complain all the time about how radio is becoming generic. What with voice tracking (pre-recording a show), or syndication (Ryan Seacrest, Delilah, John Tesh) no one believes in live, local radio anymore.

Well, my boss does. That's why he gave me this opportunity. I hope you won't let it go to waste.


See you Monday!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Breaking News!

Please excuse the blatant self promotion, but isn't that what a blog is for?

(FYI: I wrote this, my first press release)


Indianapolis Radio/TV Personality returns to host "All Request Summer Nights-The Greatest Hits of All Time by Request" on WKLU-FM, Oldies 101.9.

Indianapolis, Indiana - May 18, 2009 - Indianapolis Radio/TV personality Tom Berg returns to host a live, local radio show on Oldies 101.9 beginning June 1st.

Berg will host "All Request Summer Nights" weeknights from 7pm until midnight.

The show will be the only live night time radio show in Indianapolis. Other radio stations either run pre-recorded, or syndicated shows after 7pm.

Mr. Berg feels that summer-time is the best time to launch a show like this.

"The sun will be up later, people will be out later and there should be someone live on the radio to be there for you." Berg continued, "Go ahead and try to call other radio stations to make a request after 7pm, you'll get a busy signal, if you get through at all. I'll be here every weeknight live from 7pm until midnight."

Berg is an Indianapolis radio/tv veteran, having worked as a TV traffic reporter for WRTV-6. He has spent over a decade working in Indianapolis media.

"The show will be a night-time party on the radio," says Mr. Berg."All request means ALL REQUEST."

(press release over)

OK now it's just us right?

I am SO excited about this opportunity.

Not just because it's a job, but because I think it's an opportunity to have some night time fun on the radio.

No man-bashing, no alien hunting, no relationship advice, just great tunes!

We will also be cranking up the listener interactivity. If you are reading this, I'll be expecting your phone call.

849-1019, learn it, love it. I'll want to hear from you all summer long.

Going to a concert? Call...
Having a barbecue? Call...
Got a request? CALL...

Listener interactivity will be KEY to the shows success. Don't let me down.

We'll scrounge up topics, and re-curring bits to make the nights a lot more fun.

I'll even take your call if you work for other radio stations in town, even YOU Smiley!

Wish me luck!

Monday, March 30, 2009

Mashup Monday!

Do you know what a 'mash-up' is??

I'm no expert, but they are pretty cool.

Someone with audio editing software takes 2 completely different songs, and mashes them together using the vocals from one song and the music from the second song, creating a completely new song.

These mash-ups can breathe new life into classic music. Some people like them. Some don't. The nay-sayers say that mash-ups are no good because 'you don't mess with classic tunes'.

Just like any music genre, some mash-ups are good. Others, not so much.

Let me offer up one example:

Rapture Riders (click the title to listen)

It's a 'mash-up' of Rapture by Blondie and Riders on The Storm by The Doors.

What do you think?

There's a blog that posts collections of mash-ups every so often.

It's free and I like most of 'em.

The link is:
Listen with an open mind and see what you think.

You haven't lived until you've heard "Single Ladies" by Beyonce mashed up with the Andy Griffith theme!!!

Friday, March 27, 2009

Another Reason I Have This Blog....

I like being able to use this blog to elaborate on video postings I make over on youtube.

For example...

I recently had a boatload of video on VHS digitized so I could post it online.

I'd hate to have something happen to the tapes, so I'm getting them converted before something happens to them. I'm not sure ANYONE will enjoy these besides me. We'll see.

First up.

If you ever went to Stuart Anderson's Cattle Company restaurant, maybe you also remember going to the bar attached to the restaurant with the catchy name:

"The Square Cow Fun Bar"

Neat, huh?

I could write volumes about my experience there, but for now, let's get to the video.

When we cranked up the dance music, it was all about the video. This WAS the late 80's, early 90's after all.

So the company had videos specially made to kick off the dancing:

Nifty! If I recall, the bar shots were from a Black Angus Fun Bar in California.

Up next....

This is a video that no one will be interested in except me. It was shot on the last night that 2 bartenders would be working together.

Guy & Dave.

They were a blast to work with and made slow nights go very fast.

Watch...if you dare:

I'm not in the video very much, but you can hear my voice.


OK this isn't an archive video, but hey it's my blog, I can do what I want.

I went to the Children's Museum to look at the new Star Wars relaed exhibit.

Paul Poteet and Tom Davis asked me to meet them there so we could shoot a feature for Good Morning Indiana on RTV-6. There also is video posted on Channel 6's website.

I brought my camera and shot some video, and still pictures that I slapped together into a little montage:

May The Force Be With You....Always!

Monday, March 16, 2009

Don't Faint, It's A New Post!!

I know it's been a while.

You'd think with all my free time these days, I'd have more time to ramble on here.

Truth is...I am more busy now, dealing with family stuff, than I was when I had a JOB!

But I digress.

In honor of 'Girl Scout Cookie Selling Season'. I give you this little gem from (click on it to make it bigger)

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

And Now A Word From Our Sponsor.

I want to talk to you for a minute commercials, although I suppose what I have to say applies to TV as well.

I have a question. Where's the creativity?

Programmers design formats to keep you from changing the station when commercials come on, because they are perceived as a 'tune out' factor.

I have witnessed many times listeners who can't change the station fast enough when commercials come on.

Maybe I'm being naive, but I believe that if the commercials were as entertaining as the music, there would be no channel flipping.

Let me cite a couple of examples. Here are a few commercials I think fit into the 'entertaining' category. As a side game, try and guess what the commercial is about, before the 'reveal'.

Click here for Spot Number 1.

Click here for Spot Number 2.

You really don't need a lot of sound effects or music to make a radio commercial entertaining.

Click here to hear a very funny spot about fireant killer. It's all in the writing and the voice!


Click here to listen to another voice-only commercial about a trivia game.

Stan Freberg is my guru when it comes to this subject. He started out as a satirist who eventually started his own ad agency who created an infamous commercial about radio, using sound effects to drain Lake Michigan and fill it with hot chocolate.

He also created some entertaining TV ads as well. For example:

He also wrote a book "It Only Hurts When I Laugh" that, among other things, talked about his work in advertising and includes a few script samples as well. The book is out of print, but you can find used copies around if you look hard enough.

OK I'm off the soapbox.

Think about it though....commercials as entertaining as the DJ's.


Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Tony Dungy

With the retirement of Tony Dungy as Colts head coach this week, I thought I'd share the story of my one encounter with him.

Tony wrote a book called "Quiet Strength", and went on a book tour to support it. One day, he scheduled a few book signings in Indianapolis. My friend who manages one of the bookstores where a signing was scheduled, asked me if I would be interested in interviewing him.

I instantly said yes.

So there I am, in the bookstore where hundreds of people have been waiting in line for hours for the signing to begin, and I am waiting somewhat nervously to do my 5 minute interview.

I had a few questions in mind, but I gotta tell you I was a nervous wreck. I'd heard what a nice guy he was, but this is the head coach of the Super Bowl champion Indianapolis Colts!!!

He came out into the designated press area in the middle of the bookstore, surrounded by everyone that was waiting in line for the book signing. There was applause, and then the Coach came over to me for the interview.

It went well, I had asked about the different type of media he was dealing with for publicity for the book, as opposed to the sports media he usually deals with. We were off and running.

I had absolutely no reason to be nervous, he made me feel completely at ease.

After the interview concluded, I thanked the coach for his time and came to one horrific realization.

I forgot to bring my camera!!! I can't believe it!! A picture with coach Dungy would be a once in a lifetime thing, and I blew it!

Oh well, that was just a small blip on a pretty good afternoon.

He says that he will still maintain connections with Indianapolis, I hope so.

I want another chance at getting that pic!! hehe

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

And I Thought Working In Radio Was Risky...

How bizarre is this. Shortly after I got laid off last year I was interviewed by Susan Guyett for her column in the Indianapolis Star, "Talk Of The Town".

A few months later Susan got fired! Apparently there have been a number of firings/lay offs at the Star over the last few months. There are more changes to come!

How do I know this? I stumbled across a blog written by Ruth Holladay, a former Star employee.

If you have some time, you should read it as well. It's very eye opening! Click here to see for yourself.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Preserving my past.

I have a lot of stuff on paper that I am in the process of digitizing so I can have it around for a while longer.

My picture was taken in February of 1981, as part of an article in my high school paper on the broadcasting business. I was going to a radio/tv magnet school known as CIRT, The Center For Instructional Radio and Television.

The article mentioned my name but didn't quote me. You can click it to make it larger, if you want.:

I have a few other things I would like to scan and save, before something happens to them.

I recently had a pretty cool reference letter scanned. It came from Lucasfilm, after my work as an MC during Celebration 2 here in Indy. It's a PDF file so you'll need Adobe Acrobat to see it, Click here to get it.

One more thing I need to get scanned soon is a Mayoral Proclamation that named it Tom Berg Day in Indianapolis. It came from Bart Peterson, via Paul Poteet on my last day as a traffic reporter on WRTV-6. It was presented to me on camera, and I was flabbergasted. I'll post it here ASAP.