Friday afternoon my friend Tim calls me to tell me that he's scored primo seats to the Pacer game, and asked me if I'd like to come along.
I tell him, 'sure'.
They were the best seats I've ever had for a professional sporting event.
The tickets said 'row 7', but when we got there, there were no rows 1, 2, or 3.
So if you actually counted the rows, we were more like in row 4.
The seats were so good, I was able to get this pic of Pacers head coach, Jim O'Brien:

Not to mention this nifty pic of Boomer:

Even though the Pacers lost the game, Tim and I had a blast. I'll probably never get good seats like this ever again.
I hope if you get the chance to have nice seats like this for ANY sporting event, you take advantage of it. It is SO worth it.