Monday, September 22, 2008

The Office is back!

This is the week that a lot of my favorite TV shows return. There are still a few more weeks before the original CSI returns, but I digress.

One favorite of mine that IS returning this week is "The Office".

I was a Johnny-come-lately to this show as I picked it up in the middle of the second season. I am all caught up now and can't wait until Thursday.

To celebrate it's return, I present to you a youtube clip featuring just about every instance of "That's what she said". An 'Office' running joke.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

My first weekend back at work!


I'm wrapping up my Sunday DJ shift.

It was kinda like riding a bicycle.

I had to learn a whole new computer system for the music and commercials.

Who says you can't teach old dogs new tricks??

I'll be back filling in for Chris Love, the morning news and traffic guy, on Thursday and Friday of this week.

For the upcoming weekend, I'll be on Saturday from 3-7pm, and Sunday 4-9pm.

If you want, you can email Scott 'records' Roddy at and tell him how smart he is for hiring me!

Friday, September 19, 2008

Good News!

I have a job!!

It's part time, but you gotta start somewhere right??

I'll be working weekends at Oldies 101.9 in Indianapolis.

The hours will vary from week to week, but I am very excited about this!

Wish me luck!!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Click here for my audition tape.

Desperate times call for desperate measures. Necessity is the mother of invention. Insert your favorite quote that applies here.

While I'm not ready to stand out on I-465 near Allisonville road with a cardboard sign reading "Will DJ for Food" just yet.

I'm putting my audition tape or 'aircheck' as we say in the biz, on this blog.

If I've done everything correctly with the HTML code, you should be able to click on the headline of this blog entry to hear it.

Youtube suggestion.

I know, I know...

EVERYBODY has suggestions for things you should see while surfing the 'net.

I have a set of links along the right side of this blog, for example.

But if you are a fan of television in any way, shape, or form. You HAVE to check this youtube subscriber out.

It is The Archive of American Television. Their youtube subscriber name is: TVLEGENDS

Here is a sample of what you'll see:

The interviews are un-edited and very in-depth. Some interviews run 2 to 3 hours!

A lot of the subjects are sadly no longer with us. However, thanks to these guys, you'll be able to hear from just about any TV icon you can think of..forever.

These interviews are like potato chips. Once you start, you won't be able to stop.

Oh, by the way, if you ever want to publicly comment about what I blog about here, just click where it says '0 comments' at the bottom of each entry.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

My TV commercial debut!

With my former employer 'making a change' I have had more things to do now, than just a few weeks ago.

Unfortunately, everything I've been doing hasn't really made me a lot of money. You gotta start somewhere, right?

Could this be the start of a new career? Check this out:

Nice robe and slippers eh?

Thanks to Paul Montgomery at WRTV 6 for casting me.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Online Poker

So I'm up late playing poker in an online tournament with over 200 people.

I finished respectably (you'll have to click on the pic to see it more clearly):

Look out Phil Hellmuth!!

Friday, September 5, 2008

My Army Days.

I graduated from high school in 1982. I had studied radio/tv, and I was also involved with the ROTC program.

After graduation, I had trouble finding my way. I could get plenty of work as a DJ in a roller-skating rink, or at an under-21 club. But not the radio DJ job that I wanted.

So...I joined the Army.


Well, they offered me the opportunity to do what I always wanted to do since I was a kid, be a DJ on the radio!!

Sure I'd have to go through Basic Training at Fort Knox, Kentucky. After that, I would be home for about a year because the radio/tv training was at Fort Benjamin Harrison.

Let me tell you. Basic Training was hell on Earth!! I didn't have ONE good day there. I'm amazed I made it through.

Well, there WAS one good day. That was the day my family was allowed to come down to the post and visit me. THAT was a good day. My Grandma brought me a box of homemade edible goodies. She asked me if I was going to share them. I told her, NO! hehe

After surviving basic training, I made it to Fort Ben. It was good to be home. After a few months, I was allowed to go home on weekends. What a relief!

The radio/tv training at the Defense Information School was a piece of cake compared to basic training. A year later, I graduated.

I was assigned to go to Fort Ord, California to work in the public affairs office. Since the main job of a broadcaster is overseas, I was sent temporarily to Tegucigalpa, Honduras, for about 6 months.

I was sent there by way of Panama City, Panama, where I had to get my jungle uniforms, and special equipment.

When I arrived in Honduras, I started working for the Navy in a small broadcast studio.

Back then, there was no satellite, so we had to receive our tv programming from Panama on Beta videotape. The TV news and sports were always a week behind, but at least we had it!

I had a night time radio show I inherited from another Army broadcaster who had just left.

This is getting kinda long, so I'll stop here and continue when I feel like it!

Monday, September 1, 2008

Breaking news about Barack Obama!!

Who knew???