Monday, March 30, 2009

Mashup Monday!

Do you know what a 'mash-up' is??

I'm no expert, but they are pretty cool.

Someone with audio editing software takes 2 completely different songs, and mashes them together using the vocals from one song and the music from the second song, creating a completely new song.

These mash-ups can breathe new life into classic music. Some people like them. Some don't. The nay-sayers say that mash-ups are no good because 'you don't mess with classic tunes'.

Just like any music genre, some mash-ups are good. Others, not so much.

Let me offer up one example:

Rapture Riders (click the title to listen)

It's a 'mash-up' of Rapture by Blondie and Riders on The Storm by The Doors.

What do you think?

There's a blog that posts collections of mash-ups every so often.

It's free and I like most of 'em.

The link is:
Listen with an open mind and see what you think.

You haven't lived until you've heard "Single Ladies" by Beyonce mashed up with the Andy Griffith theme!!!

Friday, March 27, 2009

Another Reason I Have This Blog....

I like being able to use this blog to elaborate on video postings I make over on youtube.

For example...

I recently had a boatload of video on VHS digitized so I could post it online.

I'd hate to have something happen to the tapes, so I'm getting them converted before something happens to them. I'm not sure ANYONE will enjoy these besides me. We'll see.

First up.

If you ever went to Stuart Anderson's Cattle Company restaurant, maybe you also remember going to the bar attached to the restaurant with the catchy name:

"The Square Cow Fun Bar"

Neat, huh?

I could write volumes about my experience there, but for now, let's get to the video.

When we cranked up the dance music, it was all about the video. This WAS the late 80's, early 90's after all.

So the company had videos specially made to kick off the dancing:

Nifty! If I recall, the bar shots were from a Black Angus Fun Bar in California.

Up next....

This is a video that no one will be interested in except me. It was shot on the last night that 2 bartenders would be working together.

Guy & Dave.

They were a blast to work with and made slow nights go very fast.

Watch...if you dare:

I'm not in the video very much, but you can hear my voice.


OK this isn't an archive video, but hey it's my blog, I can do what I want.

I went to the Children's Museum to look at the new Star Wars relaed exhibit.

Paul Poteet and Tom Davis asked me to meet them there so we could shoot a feature for Good Morning Indiana on RTV-6. There also is video posted on Channel 6's website.

I brought my camera and shot some video, and still pictures that I slapped together into a little montage:

May The Force Be With You....Always!

Monday, March 16, 2009

Don't Faint, It's A New Post!!

I know it's been a while.

You'd think with all my free time these days, I'd have more time to ramble on here.

Truth is...I am more busy now, dealing with family stuff, than I was when I had a JOB!

But I digress.

In honor of 'Girl Scout Cookie Selling Season'. I give you this little gem from (click on it to make it bigger)